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The Royal Hotel Of Tacky

Artwork Title:

The Royal Hotel Of Tacky

Artist: Pamela Storch

The Royal Hotel Of Tacky

When life gives you lemons, create art from the wallpaper and curtains of your extremely tacky hotel!

This art was created from a photograph of the wallpaper and curtains in a painfully tacky and bizarre hotel in Jerusalem, that creates an Alice and Wonderland like effect. 

The art was processed, altered and colored in such a way that the identity of the hotel shall remain anonymous. 

Flavors of tacky, fairytale, royal, inner, meditative, reflective, holographic and geometric with a fragrant hint of creepy. 

What more could you ask for? 

I might need to start an art collection lovingly called "the earwax section". 

Much love from my "interesting" hotel. 

-Pamela Storch 

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